This week Robin Hood AC were at Tyram Hall Fisheries, Doncaster on Island Lake.
I had not fished the lake before and rang a couple of people up to get an idea of what I need. I need a method feeder for the chuck to the island and pole and pellet shallow at 14m and finally meat at 5m.
I had been badly all night with an ongoing stomach problem and had gone to bed at 11 on Saturday night and then woke up at 1.19am Sunday morning and never managed to get back to sleep. I took 6 Ranitidine tablets in 4 hours (I am supposed to take 8 in 24 hours), so I was feeling a little bit tired.
As I had not seen the lake before, I decided to go for a walk around the pegs that we had (1 - 20). I liked the look of pegs 1, 3, 5 - 16, then 19 and 20. Wonder where I will be??!!
I was on the next leg of the club knockout and this week I was fishing against Macca. Macca is a staunch Leeds United supporter and I decided to get first blood by showing him a picture of my son who won a junior fishing match the day before. The only thing was that my son Thomas, is a staunch Manchester United and Barcelona and Celtic fan, and in the picture that I showed Macca, Thomas was wearing his Man United top. Macca was spitting feathers LOL.
Lurch was not here again. I am going to have to send the debt-collectors and their rottweilers round to pay him a visit.
As a club, we were advised to leave out pegs 1 (unfair advantage only about 10m to the island) and pegs 4 (too overgrown). I put my hand in the drawbag and looked at my peg number. Crap!, I was on peg 18.
The Peg
Peg 18 had no island to go to. No real margin to fish to. The only saving grace was that upon arrival at the peg, there were loads of carp swimming around between peg 18 and peg 20. To my right I had Penfold Wesbter on peg 19 and the next angler was about 100 miles away (slight exaggeration as he was about 50 metres away) further round the corner on peg 20. Their margin swim would have had another 4 anglers on it on other venues :-). To my left I had Craig 'Budgie' Thompson and my main adversary for the day, Macca was on peg 16 and was therefore within piss-taking distance...if I dare, GULP!! Frontrow was on peg 11, Slug Aveyard was on peg 2 and Pid Farley was on peg 3.
Rig 1. was a Jigga rig on .17 Preston Powerline to a .13 Preston Powerline hooklength attached to Preston 13h green elastic. I was going to fish between 6" - 18" deep with this rig.
Rig 2. was a standard dibber rig set up as above to fish about 12" deep.
Rig 3 was a 4 x 14 Carpa Chimp set to fish 6.5ft deep on the top 2 + 2 with meat on the deck. This had on a .14 hooklength and was attached to Preston Blue 15h elastic.
I also set up a method rod.
For bait I had some 6mm and 8mm hard pellets. Sensas Crazybait Gold groundbait and 2 pints of 8mm cubed meat.
At the all in, I cast out into open water about 30m out with the method to see if there was an fish on the deck. Whilst doing this I was feeding pellets at 14m.
Paul 'Castaway' Wilson had caught 3 carp in the first 15 minutes shallow and Penfold had caught 2. I had not had a fish on the method. Best go shallow and see what happens...
I went out with the jigga rig, slapped the rig a couple of times and 'worked' the pellet up and down. The float shot under and carp No 1 was soon in the net.
I managed to snare 7 carp over the next hour, but was getting battered by Castaway, and Penfold was always 2 fish in front of me. Everytime I caught one, he caught one.
Then...THE WIND CHANGED DIRECTION.....after the first 60 - 90 mins I would estimate that I had 30lb ish and Penfold had about 40lb and Castaway had about 60-70lb ish.
I never had another bite for the rest of the match. Pid and Dumptruck in pegs 2 and 3 then started to catch......
I wish that I could write more and say that I bagged on meat short or that I emptied it on the method late on or that the elastic was getting dragged from the pole every 10 minutes or so..but alas no. I could not get a bite on anything else, no matter what I tried.
TIME - thank god for that.
Dumptruck managed to put 62lb on the scales (must have been solid), then Pid had 81lb. Daz was winning the first section with 24lb from peg 11. Macca put 17lb odd on the scales. Budgie had 24lb after a late surge in the margin on worm hookbait. I put 32lb odd on the scales. Penfold had 46lb and Castaway went on to win the match with 88lb (all caught in the first 90 minutes or so). The top 4 had come from either end of the lake. I was 5th overall.
Full Result
1. Paul Wilson (Peg 20) - 88lb
2. Paul Farley (Peg 3) - 81lb
3. Mick Aveyard (Peg 2) - 62lb
4. Dave Webster (Peg 19) - 46lb
Well done all.
Tightlines until next week.
just found out we have booked this venue for the first time next season (2014)just hope for a better draw than yourself but still a great read up ps loved the utd bit lol
tight lines denbo
Hope to also be windward end of the lake. Also, fill it in with about 2 hours to go with worm/caster etc and the carp will move in.
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