Moorfield Farm Fisheries, Goole
My first venture out and about this weekend was on a match to Moorfields Farm Fisheries, Goole. A small group of us email each other on Monday to find out how we have got on and a couple of the emails come from resident Moorfields Farm venue experts, Martin Holmes and Chris Kitchen. I emailed them during the week to get some info. Basic info was to draw pegs 1, 27, 28 and 54. Oh and it was meat at 5m and margin and pellet across.
I arranged to pick up Buddy 'Anaemia' Keville and we were on our way.
At the draw, Chris Kitchen was first in the queue, Martin pushed me into the queue before him, then Martin then Anaemia then everyone else. Chris put his hand in the bag and proceeded to draw peg 27 - WELL DRAWN CHRIS!!!. I put my hand in the bag and ended up on peg 36/37. I had a choice of peg once I arrived at my peg(s). Martin drew peg 11 and Anaemia was on peg 30. Andy Waters drew the other boss peg, peg 28. I had Jamie Waters to my right on peg 34 and a young lad to my left in the corner on peg 40.
I arrived at my peg and Martin suggested that I fish peg 36 as I had a clump of reedmace to my left and bare bank to my left margins. He said to fish meat at 5m and in the margins and to fish about 13m shallow and on the deck.
I set up 4 rigs as follows:
Shallow rig - was a 4x12 Preston Innovations PB4 float set to fish about 18" deep. I had a size 18 Kamasan B911 eyed hook on this rig with a bait band.
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PB4 |
13m rig was a 4 x 14 Carpa Chimp I plumbed up and found that I had about 3ft deep on this line .I had a size 18 Kamasan B911 eyed hook on this rig with a bait band.
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Carpa Chimp |
Margin rig was a .3g Cralusso Capri float. Due to the steep slope, I had about 3ft deep 12inches from the bank. I had on a size 16 Colmic 501 hook on this rig.
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Cralusso Capri |
My final rig was a .4g Garbolino DC 4 float. I had about 4.5ft at 5m. This rig also had on a size 16 Colmic 501.
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DC4 |
For bait, I had 5 tins of 8mm cubed meat, 2 tins of corn, some micro pellets and some venue's own 6mm pellets.
The Match
At the all in, I potted in some meat at 5m, then threw in some meat and corn to both left and right margins. I baited up the 13m rig for fishing on the deck with a 6mm pellet and put some 6mm pellets and micros in a tosspot. I shipped out and dropped the bait in. I had just settled the rig in when the wind grabbed hold of the pole and swung me round to the right LOL. It was a tad windy. I managed to settle the float and held onto the pole for dear life. After 5 minutes, I got my first indication. I waited a bit longer, the float shot under and I foul-hooked (and lost my first carp).
I dropped in again and waited. After a further 10 minutes, the float buried and I got my first carp, an F1 about 2lb. I put some more pellets in the tosspot, shipped out and dropped the bait and rig in and waited and waited.
This seemed to be the general indication of the events of the day. I tried the margins with no success, although I did prick one down to my left. I did not get a bite on meat at 5mm. I made up some 6mm expander pellets and dropped them in at 5m to my right (about 2 o'clock). I caught a little roach.
I went for a walk to see how Chris was doing on peg 27, he was admitting to 70lb and was getting beat by Andy on peg 28. Anaemia had about 30lb. I was going nowhere.
At the all out, I had managed to get about a dozen carp for 28lb and no good. Jamie Waters to my right tipped back and the young lad on peg 40 had about 20lb. Chris Reilley on peg 32 had 77lb, Anaemia had 52lb. Martin had 113lb from peg 11. Chris plonked 163lb on the scales and Andy Waters won it from peg 28 with 175lb.
1. Andy Waters (Peg 28) 175lb
2. Chris Kitchen (Peg 27) 163lb
3. Martin Holmes (Peg 11) 113lb.
Lindholme Lakes, Bonsai Lake
My second outing this weekend was with Robin Hood AC at Lindholme Lakes. We were booked on Bonsai Lake.
I picked up Daz 'Frontrow' Harrison and we headed off to the match.
We have a little raffle before the draw to raise a few extra quid and up for grabs this week was 6 bottles of
I put my hand in the bag and drew peg 74, which is at the end of the spit. Frontrow drew peg 73 to my left. Craig 'Oddjob' Thompson has a new nickname. He is a twitcher/bird keeper, we have now nicknamed him 'Kes'. "Come here Kes, come here Kes" - he drew form peg 69. I had Michelle 'Splash' Webster on peg 75 to my right, Splash falls in so often, she has started to take some Timotei with her on the matches. Craig was within watching distance on peg 76. Dave 'Mr Soft' Horsfall was on peg 72. Dave's father usually comes on the fishing matches with him so that he can tell him what to do and to also eat Mr Soft's sandwiches. He was not here today, so Mr Soft would be able to eat all of his own sandwiches. Habitual complainer 'Pid' was on peg 77. Mark Wright drew corner peg 85 and Mick 'Dumptruck' Aveyard was on peg 84 and Colin 'The Worm' Weaver was on peg 68.
There must have been about 60 anglers pegged from peg 20 round to peg 85. It was going to be a hard match and to top it all, the wind was considerably worse than yesterday. It was blowing over my left shoulder with strong gusts blowing left to right.
I set up a method rod with a 15g Preston Innovations method feeder and a Preston Innovations C1 size 18 hook on a .19 Preston Powerline hooklength.
I then set up 3 pole rigs as follows:
Shallow rig, was a .2g Frenzee FD200 float set to fish 18" deep at 13m.
I set up a 4 x 14 Carpa Chimp to fish across to the island at 16m. This had on a baitband on a size 18 Kamasan B911 eyed hook and a .13 Preston Powerline hooklength. After plumbing up, I found that I had about 12-14" of depth.
I also set up a 4x14 Carpa Chimp to fish at 5m. This had on a size 16 Colmic 501 hook on a .13 Preston Powerline Hooklength. I had about 3.5ft of depth on this line.
For bait, I had some 6mm pellets, micro pellets (both Lindholme Lakes own pellets), some corn and meat which were left from yesterday. For the baitband, I tend to use 6mm Bait-Tech 6mm Carp Pellets. They are uniform in size and when mounted on a Preston Innovations micro baitband, tend not to come out and you can catch half a dozen fish on one pellet.
The Match
At the start of the match, I potted in a full pot of meat and corn at 5m. I then picked up my rig to fish to the island. I put a 6mm pellet in the band and put about ten 6mm pellets in a tosspot and filled it with micro pellets. I shipped out to 16m, dropped the bait in and waited. I was getting dips and blips on the float almost immediately.
I started to feed a few pellets down-wind at 13m to try to get them shallow.
The float buried, I lifted into it and nothing. I dropped the rig back in. The float settled. Then shot under and 4m of green Preston 13h was trying to get out of the pole tip. I was shipping the pole back with the fish on and the fish was kiting to my left, the wind grabbed hold of the pole and pulled it to the right. The result was that I pulled the hook out of the fish. DAGNAMIT!!
The pellet was still in the baitband. I shipped back out and dropped the rig in again. Michelle shouted (shout being the operative word due to the wind, although she was on the next peg) that Craig had 2 carp (both of method feeder to the island) and she had caught 1. I had some catching up to do. Daz had caught 1 on bomb and pellet to the island. The float went under slowly. I lifted and pricked one. I dropped the rig in again and the float shot under. I struck and the elastic came flying out of the pole. Let me see if I can get this one in.
A carp about 3lb was soon in the net. Daz had by this point, dropped in on his 5m line with meat on the hook. He got a bit and struck. He played the fish for a couple of minutes then the elastic on his pole snapped or came undone from his bung and was lying on top of the water with the fish still attached. He quickly managed to wrap the elastic around his pole tip and pole cup and shipped back gently. He got hold of his elastic and hand-lined the carp to the landing net. It was about 5lb. THE SPAWNY B***$%K. If that had been me, I would have lost it.
Over the next couple of hours, I managed to snare half a dozen carp on the pole to the island. The wind was steadily increasing and was constantly changing direction. One minute it was off my back, the next it was left to right. All the while, I had been throwing in meat and corn at 5 minutes. I was paggered holding the pole at 16m so thought that I would have a breather and fish short for 5 minutes or so. I was holding my own. Splash had about 4 or 5 carp, Craig had 3 or 4 and some bits, Frontrow was probably just in front. Mr Soft had a couple of carp. Kes had a couple and The Worm was catching at 7m on worm and I could see Pid floating his pole to the island. He was getting one or two even though the wind was blowing off his back.
I baited up with meat and dropped in at 5m. I waited and waited and waited for about 5 minutes. Nothing. I went back over to the island. In view of pulling out of a 3 or 4 fish due to the wind, I swapped to Daiwa white hydro elastic. The float settled, then shot under and my elastic was doing its best to get out of the pole tip. I shipped back to the topkit and played it for about 4 or 5 minutes. It turned out to be the biggest fish of the day - about 7/8lb common carp.
I decided to continue fishing to the island for the duration of the match, with the odd 5 minute spell on meat on the short line.
At one point during the match, Frontrow had caught a fish and shipped back. He put his 4,5 and 6 section on the floor. The wind picked it up and flung it into the back of me and it hit my box legs and broke on his number 5 and 6.
I was now catching steadily at 16m to the island. That was it. TIME!. The match was over. I asked Craig how much he thought that he had, he said 15lb. I said that I had about 40lb (wink, wink). I then asked him for his serious response, he said about 20lb. I said that I had about 42lb (wink).
Mark on peg 85 was first to weigh and weighed in 35lb, Dumptruck had 31lb on 84. Penfold Webster put 39lb on the scales from about peg 80 and was leading the match. This was going to be close. Pid put 45lb on the scales. The scales arrived at Craig's peg and he put 20lb odd on the scales. I had more than that. Splash weighed in 28lb. It was now my turn. I lifted out my first net and put 24lb on the scales. I then lifted out my 2nd net and that one went 35lb. I had 59lb and was leading the match with about 4 left to weigh. Frontrow had 28lb. Mr Soft had 35lb. Kes had a mid twenty pounds. There was only Colin The Worm left to weigh and he was not sure what he had. He lifted his net out and put it all on the scales. They bottomed out. We took 3 fish out and he weighed 45lb. His last 3 fish went 8lb for a total of 53lb. I had done it. I won. I was also carrying a 39lb advantage over Craig to the second leg of the knockout competition. If it had not been windy, over 100lb was on the cards. I had weighed in 59lb and lost about 25lb and I was struggling with presentation a lot of the time. The wind was spinning me on my box.
1. Mick Herrington (Peg 74) 59lb
2. Colin Weaver (Peg 68) 53lb
3. Paul Farley (Peg 77) 45lb
4. Dave Webster (Peg 80) 39lb
Thank you and tight lines until next weekend.